S45 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

S45 8 is a postcode sector in North East Derbyshire, UK. Below is a complete list of S45 8 Postcodes (Active). S45 8 postcode sector comprises of 98 active postcodes. S45 8 sector has a population of 3583, and it has 1577 properties in the region.

Browse Information On S45 8 postcode sector

S45 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 3583
Addresses / Property Count 1577
Active Postcodes 98
Nearby Postcode Districts 55
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

View Map Of S45 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 98 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
S45 8AA 53.16017500 -1.35500100 7 13 443224 362755
S45 8AB 53.16311200 -1.34785200 3 6 443699 363086
S45 8AD 53.16128500 -1.34453100 6 11 443923 362885
S45 8AE 53.16225500 -1.34426200 14 26 443940 362993
S45 8AF 53.16481600 -1.34248800 N/A N/A 444056 363279
S45 8AG 53.16367300 -1.34229600 11 31 444070 363152
S45 8AH 53.16519600 -1.34949700 7 14 443587 363317
S45 8AJ 53.17307800 -1.35258000 3 9 443373 364192
S45 8AL 53.17344100 -1.36310600 5 13 442669 364226
S45 8AN 53.17275300 -1.34389100 21 53 443954 364161
S45 8AP 53.16795600 -1.36629900 N/A N/A 442461 363614
S45 8AR 53.16455600 -1.37234600 6 19 442060 363232
S45 8AT 53.16728600 -1.37350300 N/A N/A 441980 363535
S45 8AU 53.16213900 -1.34255700 6 11 444054 362981
S45 8AW 53.16736800 -1.35721300 6 19 443069 363554
S45 8AX 53.16122500 -1.34341000 2 4 443998 362879
S45 8AY 53.16714800 -1.37298100 N/A N/A 442015 363520
S45 8AZ 53.17002500 -1.37995500 N/A N/A 441546 363836
S45 8BA 53.15542400 -1.36401500 20 57 442626 362221
S45 8BB 53.15507300 -1.36402000 2 3 442626 362182
S45 8BD 53.15614500 -1.36268800 28 69 442714 362302
S45 8BE 53.15499700 -1.36173400 41 88 442779 362175
S45 8BF 53.16550900 -1.37234700 N/A N/A 442059 363338
S45 8BG 53.15619100 -1.36120700 24 71 442813 362308
S45 8BH 53.15686300 -1.35946300 16 40 442929 362384
S45 8BJ 53.15653100 -1.35919800 9 19 442947 362347
S45 8BL 53.15826300 -1.35703400 35 79 443090 362541
S45 8BN 53.15500800 -1.36352700 6 8 442659 362175
S45 8BP 53.16764300 -1.37506900 17 26 441875 363574
S45 8BQ 53.15621600 -1.35926200 8 18 442943 362312
S45 8BW 53.16047800 -1.37461900 N/A N/A 441912 362777
S45 8DA 53.16956100 -1.38066500 3 8 441499 363784
S45 8DB 53.16486400 -1.37460000 44 93 441909 363265
S45 8DD 53.16475100 -1.37388500 13 39 441957 363253
S45 8DE 53.16660400 -1.37752300 30 65 441712 363457
S45 8DG 53.17018400 -1.38139000 47 108 441450 363853
S45 8DH 53.17132000 -1.38038700 13 29 441516 363980
S45 8DJ 53.17010700 -1.38194400 29 76 441413 363844
S45 8DL 53.16812100 -1.38378200 4 6 441292 363622
S45 8DN 53.16836800 -1.37755600 9 22 441708 363653
S45 8DP 53.16751500 -1.37635800 11 27 441789 363559
S45 8DQ 53.17182000 -1.38108100 14 32 441469 364035
S45 8DR 53.16708600 -1.37678300 55 115 441761 363511
S45 8DS 53.16753800 -1.37367800 7 15 441968 363563
S45 8DT 53.16686300 -1.37344900 34 65 441984 363488
S45 8DU 53.16585700 -1.37380900 24 58 441961 363376
S45 8DW 53.16791800 -1.37750200 20 58 441712 363603
S45 8DX 53.16500000 -1.37329800 17 41 441996 363281
S45 8DY 53.16666400 -1.37518800 34 64 441868 363465
S45 8DZ 53.16653600 -1.37649200 14 25 441781 363450
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